Back Garden Weather in CouchDB (Part 3)


In this series I’m describing how I used a CouchDB CouchApp to display the weather data collected by a weather station in my back garden. In the first post I described CouchApps and how to get a copy of the site. In the next post we looked at how to import the data collected by PyWWS and how to render a basic page in a CouchApp. In the post we’ll extend the basic page to display real weather data.

Each document in the database is a record of the weather data at a particular point in time. As we want to display the data over a whole day we need to use a list function. list functions work similarly to the show function we saw in the previous post. Unlike show functions list functions don’t have the document passed in, they can call a getRow function which returns the next row to process. When there are no rows left it returns null.

show functions process an individual document and return a single object containing the processed data and any HTTP headers. Because a list function can process a potentially huge number of rows they return data in a different way. Rather than returning a single object containing the whole response list functions must return their response in chunks. First you need to call the start function, passing in any headers that you want to return. Then you call send one or more times to return parts of your response. A typical list function will look like the code below.

function (head, req) {
    start({ "headers": { "Content-Type": "text/html" }});n
    while(row = getRow()) {
        data = /* process row */;

To process the weather data we can’t follow this simple format because we need to split each document up and display the different measurements separately. Let’s look at the code for creating the day page. The complete code is a bit too long to include in a blog post so checkout the first post in this series to find out how to get a complete copy of the code.

To start the function we load the templates and code that we need using the CouchApp macros. Next we return the appropriate Content-Type header, and then we create the object that we’ll pass to Mustache when we’ve processed everything.

function(head, req) {
    // !json
    // !json templates.head
    // !json templates.foot
    // !code vendor/couchapp/lib/mustache.js
    // !code vendor/sprintf-0.6.js
    // !code vendor/date_utils.jsn
    start({ "headers": { "Content-Type": "text/html" }});
    var stash = {
        head: templates.head,
        foot: templates.foot,
        date: req.query.startkey,

Next we build a list of the documents that we’re processing so we can loop over the documents multiple times.

    var rows = [];
    while (row = getRow()) {

To calculate maximum and minimum values we need to choose the first value and then run through each piece of data and see whether it is higher or lower than the current record. As the data collector of the weather station is separate to the outside sensors occasionally they lose their connection. This means that we can just pick the value in the first document as our starting value, instead we must choose the first document where the connection with the outside sensors was made.

    if(rows.length > 0) {
        for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
            if((rows[i].status &amp; 64) == 0) {
                max_temp_out = rows[i].temp_out;
                min_temp_out = rows[i].temp_out;
                max_hum_out = rows[i].hum_out;
                min_hum_out = rows[i].hum_out;

Now we come to the meat of the function. We loop through all of the documents and process them into a series of arrays, one for each graph that we’ll draw on the final page.

        for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++) {
            var temp_out = null;
            var hum_out = null;
            if((rows[i].status & 64) == 0) {
                temp_out = rows[i].temp_out;
                hum_out = rows[i].hum_out;
                total_rain = total_rain + rows[i].rain;
                rainfall.push({ "time": time_text, "rain": rows[i].rain });
                wind.push({ "time": time_text, "wind_ave": rows[i].wind_ave, "wind_gust": rows[i].wind_gust });
            pressure.push({ "time": time_text, "pressure": rows[i].abs_pressure });
            temps.push({ "time": time_text, "temp_out": temp_out, "temp_in": rows[i].temp_in });
            humidity.push({ "time": time_text, "hum_in": rows[i].hum_in, ";hum_out": hum_out });

Lastly we take the stash, which in a bit of code I’ve not included here has the data arrays added to it, and use it to render the day template.

    send(Mustache.to_html(, stash));
    return ""

Let’s look at a part of the day template. The page is a fairly standard use of the Google Chart Tools library. In this first snippet we render the maximum and minimum temperature values, and a blank div that we’ll fill with the chart.

<p>Outside: <b>Maximum:</b> <sup>o</sup>C <b>Minimum:</b> <sup>o</sup>C</p>
<p>Inside: <b>Maximum:</b> <sup>o</sup>C <b>Minimum:</b> <sup>o</sup>C</p>
<div id="tempchart_div"></div>

In the following Javascript function we build a DataTable object that we pass to the library to draw a line chart. The {{#temps}} and {{/temps}} construction is the Mustache way of looping through the temps array. We use it to dynamically write out Javascript code containing the data we want to render.

function drawTempChart() {
    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
    data.addColumn('string', 'Time');
    data.addColumn('number', 'Outside');
    data.addColumn('number', 'Inside');
        ['', , ],
    var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('tempchart_div'));
    chart.draw(data, {width: 950, height: 240, title: 'Temperature'});

We now have a page that displays all the collected weather data for a single day. In the next post in this series we’ll look at how to use CouchDB’s map/reduce functions to process the data so we can display it by month and by year.

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[...] CouchApp to display the weather data collected by the weather station in my back garden. In the previous post I showed you how to display a single day’s weather data. In this post we will look at [...]

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